Residents of Grand Canal Dock are cordially invited to the AGM of Grand Canal Dock Residents Association (GCDRA)
Get an update on GCDRA activities in 2021/2022, meet the new committee and see how you can get involved in your local community.
When: Monday, 11th April at the Marker Hotel - 7pm to 8:30pm
Where: The Marker Hotel, Grand Canal Square, Dublin 2.
Update on GCDRA activities in 2021/2022
New committee election
Guest Presentation: The Graving Docks, Past, Present and Future
We are delighted to welcome a guest speaker, Mr. Reg McCabe from Inland Waterways Association of Ireland (IWAI), to share his expert knowledge on 'The Graving Docks: past, present and future'.
It is also an opportunity to become a member of the association, meet your neighbours or to volunteer to help on the committee or at events.
Would you like to join the new committee? Please get in touch at
Attendance is free, but registration is essential - please register here. Registration is open to local residents in Grand Canal Dock (complexes adjacent to / adjoining the Grand Canal Dock..
We hope to see you at the 2022 AGM!